Class Descriptions


“yogas chitta vritti nirodha” Yoga is turning the consciousness from commotion of the external world inward towards the self. The asana (posture) practice that is most suitable for you is the one that helps turn the aweareness inward. Like anything through practice, commitment, and time things gets easier but there will always be some days that are more challenging than others physically and mentally. The practice is meeting yourself where you are on any given day and finding what brings you away from the external commotion inwards.

Restorative Yoga: (all levels) Through fully supporting the body in a few long held supported postures you receive space for healing, rejuvenation and stillness for body and mind.

Stretch and Restore: (level 1) Through longer held stretches and more supportive poses you receive the space and stillness to pause and choose how to respond and where to go physically and mentally.

Gentle Yoga: (level 1)  Through a combination of gentle movement, stretches, and breathing we will move in accessible ways to help find connection and peace.

Yoga Basics: (level 1) Through a better understanding of basics postures and breathing you can begin to form a connection with the yoga (union and stillness) of the practice

Slow Yoga: (level 1) Through slower but sometimes challenging movements we will cultivate a sense of mindfulness towards everything we do to help find that connection and understanding of yourself and what you need.

Hatha Flow: (level 1-2) Through steady movement you can begin to clear space that will be balanced out with moments of stillness to pause.

Vinyasa Flow: (level 2) Through movement and more challenging poses you’ll create space to clear out commotion, doubt, and begin to find trust in where you need to be to find space from the commotion of the mind.